About Me

I'm a Full Stack Engineer and Technical Product Manager (TPM) in Machine Learning.

As an Engineer I am interested in breaking down problems into sub-units that can be more easily conceptualized, and encapsulated within a system of code, communication protocols, and hardware.

As a TPM, I focus on mutual understanding of problems, and of the vision, principles, and tradeoffs between systems, tools, and implementations to solve these problems.   

Code Projects


Some automation scripts to setup a deployable development database server (with docker).


Arduino IOT sensor bot and ESP8266 WiFi Module writing to LAMP stack server.


A frontend template in Vanilla JS, HTML, CSS; using Typescript and Webpack. See Live Demo


Command line tool to convert a folder of images to JPG and remove all EXIF metadata. Privacy!


Video demo of Zwerbots React App demo project.

arduinos NRF24L01+

Video demo of Arduino Comms Test via 2.4GHz using RF modules.

Science Projects

Plasma Tube

A 5-foot long, high vacuum plasma tube with a 15kv transformer power supply - built at home. [See video]